The process of successfully retrieving an organ, transporting it safely and then transplanting it into another person, all ...
The inspiring story behind Mark and Lynn Scotch, a retired Wisconsin couple who started The Organ Trail, a not-for-profit raising awareness about living organ donation, is coming to Marian University.
Susan Gross donated a kidney to her son, Stephen, who developed chronic kidney disease as a child. Stephen's health has significantly improved since the transplant, and he encourages others to ...
Pedro was a sophomore at Southwestern Randolph High School and a dedicated soccer player. His coach described him as a ...
OrganOx, maker of a device to preserve liver donations, has teamed up with ProCure On-Demand, an organ recovery services ...
Hiroki had to travel to the U.S., where he is awaiting a heart, because Japan prohibits organ transplants involving children.
Wisconsin taxpayers interested in becoming organ donors can add their names to the Wisconsin Donor Registry when filing their ...
AI-powered models can analyze large datasets in real-time, optimizing organ distribution across wider geographic regions.
In his Sunday organ recital, Rowan organ instructor Dr. Gordon Turk delivered a rousing performance complete with program ...
Hyderabad: A recent study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research on organ donation and transplantation awareness ...
Residents can now add their names to the Wisconsin Donor Registry when filing their taxes. Taxpayers can check the appropriate box on their return. If filing a joint return, spouses may sign up, too.
Taxpayers in the State of Wisconsin who are interested in adding their names to become organ donors can do so when filing ...