Within 20 minutes, Kea found A.J. lounging on a stranger’s porch. For Ms. Albrecht, it was a turning point. “We have all ...
Over the years, I’ve been all over the place with my outlook and opinions on camping. I started out as a purist. Camping, for ...
Ever wondered what would happen if a cat hissed angrily in the face of a bear? You've come to the right place.
This week's featured SPCA pets include the hard-charging Chase, the sweet Coconut, the playful kitten Possum and the tender Seis.
Tony Award winner for Best Musical, "CATS," opens Saturday, March 22, and will run through Saturday, April 26, at the Canyon ...
Officials are urging pet owners not to feed their pets raw food or raw milk and to avoid letting them roam outside.
Cats, the superpredators that are threatening biodiversity With their big, expressive eyes and silky coats, we tend to forget the true predatory nature of cats. Although the domestic cat readily ...
Feral cats are killing native animals in Australia. Scientists used DNA to confirm their impact. Even previous estimates were ...
Conservation scientists from UNSW Sydney have used DNA technology to identify feral cats as the primary predators responsible ...
"The opossum continued westbound in its attempt ... Odd News // 1 day ago Ontario woman's missing cat turns up after 7 years March 18 (UPI) -- An Ontario woman was reunited with her beloved ...
They also chow down on apples, berries, and nuts. But most animal owners have also observed an opossum (or five) going to town on cat or dog food! Ultimately, opossums are dietary opportunists and ...