The Maharashtra government on Thursday told the Supreme Court that it will hand over the next tranche of 5.25 acres of land by January 31 for the construction of the Bombay High Court’s new building ...
The court criticised the submission made in Shashi Bala Singh’s case, describing it as contrary to statutory provisions.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered the construction and availability of separate toilet facilities for males, females, ...
इंदिरा भवन लोकतंत्र, राष्ट्रवाद, धर्म निरपेक्षता, समावेशी विकास और सामाजिक न्याय की नींव पर बना कांग्रेस का नया मुख्यालय। ...
Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur, commenced its new academic semester with the prestigious 4th Swami Vivekananda ...
The Supreme Court has now opened its doors for general public on designated days, allowing guided tours of its premises.
The Supreme Court has allowed guided tours for the general public on designated days. The tour will take place on every ...
Opening its doors to what is believed to be a sacrosanct jurisdiction, the Supreme Court has allowed guided tours for general public on designated days. The drive aimed at augmenting engagement and ...