High-speed beam line. FRIB is already recognized as one of the world’s leading rare isotope accelerators. The facility aims ...
A group of stellar Sherlocks have solved the mystery of red transient objects that appear and fade in the sky, linking them ...
Skygazers have been waiting for over a year to see a recurrent nova that creates a temporary, super-bright star every 80 ...
On 24 February, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) approved construction of a $48.5 million instrument ...
Do we live in a supernova graveyard? A team of researchers proposes that 10 million years ago two giant neutron stars crashed ...
For the first time, scientists have directly measured a weak r-process reaction using a radioactive ion beam, shedding light ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Simulations indicate that the low-mass star in the J0453+1559 binary system could be a neutron star rather than a white dwarf. The star's mass, 1.174 M ⊙, is ...
An international team of astrophysicists from China and Australia has for the first time determined how massive neutron stars are when they are born. An international team of astronomers led by ...
Harden’s first half of the season was successful enough to earn his 11th NBA All-Star nod. Throughout his second half, Harden has been leading the league in multiple major categories.
According to the team, the new method could one day help to observe electromagnetic signals produced before and during the merger of two neutron stars. This could provide new insights into the ...
Astronauts orbiting 250 miles above Earth got a front-row seat to destruction on Thursday. During a SpaceX flight test of Starship, the world's most powerful rocket and spacecraft system, NASA's ...