Before he passed, former Texas Tech Professor Bill Pasewark recalled seeing "things that stay with you forever" on Iwo Jima during World War II.
The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
Like many of the prolonged battles waged during the last year of World War II, the fighting on Iwo Jima resulted in the ...
Operation Barney was conceptualized by Vice Admiral Lockwood to avenge the loss of Wahoo and her intrepid crew.
A brand new assortment of collectibles statues are coming soon from Diamond Select Toys including a John Wick (Stained Glass) ...
You cannot visit the USS Indianapolis — it’s at the bottom of the Philippine Sea — but you can visit a 13-foot scale model at ...
An early candidate for Broadway’s song of the season has announced itself. “Dear Bill” is sung by the actor Jak Malone ...