There are many secrets and treasures to find in Atomfall, including underground. This is how you can get your hands on a ...
The Metal Detector is a key tool in Atomfall that's used to locate and dig up buried treasure, so where do you get one?
“The destruction of so many high-status objects, evident in this hoard, is also of a scale rarely seen in Iron Age Britain ...
The Metal Detector is one of the more useful tools in Atomfall, allowing you to find buried caches with valuable loot. So ...
The two metal detecting mates both found medieval rings which fetched thousands at auction, but their shared hobby also reunited them too. | ITV News Anglia ...
You’ll be able to take out your Metal Detector and begin searching for treasure. Once you’re near the treasure and all the lights have activated, press [RT / R2] to dig. No shovel required.
A priceless heirloom that was swept out to sea on a family vacation in Central Florida has been recovered in Cocoa Beach. Two ...
As Christina McCree turns the pages of a book that documents her successful metal detecting searches over the years, she can’t help but smile.