The following contains major spoilers for X-Factor #6, on sale now from Marvel Comics. One of Marvel's most powerful heroes is officially taking over the newest team of mutant villains.
X-Force writer ... is giving X-Factor one final test of loyalty. Some fans may welcome the decreasing number of X-Men comics to keep up with every month. There is a feeling that Marvel is putting ...
X-Factor leader Angel is revealed to have gotten a major power upgrade in the latest chapter of the X-Manhunt event.
Havok is the long-suffering hero to end them all. Havok’s message to Polaris is all about loss and how it affects people — ...
Charles Xavier Jean Grey Jonathan Hickman Krakoa Marvel Comics X-Factor X-Men Get the best tech, science, and culture news in your inbox daily. News from the future, delivered to your present.
Coming in May's Hellverine #6 by writer Benjamin ... connection to the X-Men's longtime adversaries the Hellfire Club, though it seems unlikely at the moment. You may like Marvel's New ...