Marvel Snap has just received its biggest ... 2-power card with the text “On Reveal: Replace your deck with your opponent’s starting deck. Give those cards -1 Cost.” It’s good in Arishem ...
Marvel Snap is known for adding limited-time-only modes every so often. Sanctum Showdown is the latest addition, changing the normal multi-lane-based play for a more direct, one-at-a-time focus. In ...
A 1,000Hz polling ... of my testing pool there’s a little too much tension somewhere in these switches. Hall effect switches will also lose some of the snap of a mechanical deck, but the ...
As the public pool of cards ... a bit like Marvel Snap. And just like Marvel Snap, your cards have extra powers. They might flip over one of your face-down cards, blow something up, call in ...
The hunt for new cards in Marvel Snap is about to change forever, as Second Dinner ponders the question... What If...?
Gather your cubes, it's time to check out the beautiful work that went into designing each card in Marvel Snap.
Did you know there’s a Marvel character called Firehair? Well, now you do. Her hair isn’t literally on fire – most of the time – though she does have a luscious red mane. Here are the best Firehair ...
Another artist has found an uncanny resemblance between Marvel Snap art and their own, raising concerns about plagiarism in ...
Marvel Cosmic Invasion Beat 'Em Up game to be released in 2025 by Dotemu for PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.
Agamotto is a 5-cost, 10-power card with an ability that reads: “Game Start: Shuffle 4 Ancient Arcana into your deck.” You may notice two things with the Ancient Arcana: they do not have a ...
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe One Last Time #1 hits stores this Wednesday, as the Merc with a Mouth embarks on his final multiversal murder spree. Third time's the charm?