Hulk is the strongest one there is. The gamma-powered green goliath has smashed heroes and villains alike, throwing down with ...
The artist posted 11 different heroes in Capcom skin concepts, and each one is more awesome than the last. The crossover ...
Dive into Marvel's cosmic events and Doctor Aphra's new Star Wars series.
The current canon's Dawn of the Jedi era will probably have very little to do with this comic run, though we all know Lucasfilm likes to pluck Legends ideas and characters quite often. James ...
Michael Straczynski is overseeing a new Marvel meta-series that pairs unlikely duos together. One of these comics paired up Doctor Doom with Rocket Raccoon ... ancient legends of Chinese dragons.
There are fully dedicated Marvel fighting games out there. These titles have included some real standouts across the entire genre. There are tons of great fighting games that feature characters from ...
These new Marvel Legends releases will be available starting ... is detailed to look like the character from Marvel’s X-Force comics. Archangel action figure is fully articulated with premium ...
While the character may be new to the MCU, she does have a long history in Marvel Comics. Here’s the history of Heather Glenn, one of Daredevil’s many tragic love stories. Heather Glenn first ...
Ms. Marvel is going on a journey through X-Men history in a series of five one-shots commemorating 50 years since the landmark release of Len Wein and Dave Cockrum’s Giant-Size X-Men #1 which ...
The developers behind League of Legends announced that they are working on a whole new game, and this time it looks like they're pretty serious about it. Riot Games' founders Brandon "Ryze" Beck ...