The newly-opened Jumeirah Marsa Al Arab takes inspiration from a luxury super yacht and is situated next to the iconic Jumeirah Burj Al Arab. Spanning a vast area with a private beach, the resort will ...
Mama Chol will officially become a centenarian in March. "I'm turning 100 on March 25," said Mama Chol. To mark her milestone birthday, dozens of organizations are coming together to put on a ...
One of the most highly-anticipated hotels in Dubai is open as of today, Friday March 14. Jumeirah Marsa Al Arab is inspired by a super yacht and you’ve probably seen it sitting beside the Burj Al Arab ...
W badaniu wykorzystano dane pochodzące od 1098 mężczyzn i 1307 kobiet, o średniej wieku 50 lat. Zgodnie ze statystykami 35,3 proc. osób z tej puli sklasyfikowano jako osoby o normalnej wadze ...
Feb. 3, 2025 — Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) -- commonly known as bad cholesterol -- have long been on scientists' radar as a major contributor to heart disease. But these microscopic ...
Atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque in the arteries, develops when low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) enters the blood vessel walls through dysfunctional endothelial cells (EC ...
W opublikowanym na Weibo filmie, BYD przedstawił swoją nową Super E-Platformę. Prezentowany klip demonstruje elektryczny pojazd kompatybilny z tą platformą, który wykorzystując ...
Triglycerides are found in fats such as oil and butter. When your body has more calories than it needs at any given time, it changes them into triglycerides, which are stored in fat cells.
Your healthcare team can best advise you on different medications and supplements that may help lower cholesterol levels, from statins to PCSK9 inhibitors to natural remedies like garlic and red ...
Some factors can cause cholesterol to rise faster than others. Knowing what these are can help you minimize sudden increases in your blood cholesterol. High cholesterol can increase your risk of ...
including the resolution of back and joint pain, increased exercise tolerance, and improved cholesterol and fatty liver profiles,” Dr Abdallah added.