A hard freeze kills lettuce, and hot weather (over 75°F) causes it to bolt or go to seed. Once lettuce bolts, it stops ...
When you transplant them, they go into shock for a few weeks, and stall. They’ll recover, but in those few weeks, you could have grown the starts from seed. If you want to eat lettuce all summer ...
How to harvest lettuce Lettuce grows great in the Carolinas during our cool season. I have three plantings of lettuce that I ...
You can do this with lettuce and beans and flowers ... and finally eggplants. They’ll go into 50-cell trays to start, two seeds per cell. Within the first few weeks, I'll have ruthlessly cut ...
Were [Tull] alive today he would no doubt be impressed by the work of [Akash Heimlich], who has created an exquisite vacuum seed placer for his rooftop hydroponic lettuce farm. Unlike the ...
Keep the soil moist after sowing until the seeds are growing strongly. Thin the seedlings to around 30cm apart. If you're planning to cut the whole lettuce heads at harvest, sow at intervals of three ...