In an early scene from "Moby-Dick," the crew of the whaling vessel The Pequod get to know their skipper. His name is Captain Ahab, and they are on a dangerous journey to track down the white whale ...
Here are 4 ways to reel in the ultimate catch on Alabama's Beaches this summer. NowPartner #alabamasbeaches #gulfshoresal #orangebeachal #alabamafishing ...
Fishing reels come in all manner of shapes, colours and sizes, which can make deciding which is best for your budget a very ...
A massive sea creature has been found in the Pacific Ocean near Malaulalo, Solomon Islands. The creature stretches over 100 feet wide and is 300 years old.
These minigames are perfect for taking a breather and contemplating life -- and the games they're attached to aren't bad ...
ROME, March 7 (Reuters) - An Eritrean who was among a group of sea migrants held on an Italian coast guard vessel for 10 days in 2018 is entitled to compensation, Italy's top appeals court has ...
Frontwoman Jessica Dobson’s powerful voice and gnarled guitar solos grant the Seattle band’s propulsive, riff-laden indie rock a new level of yearning intensity. Billboard Heart’s songs are ...
A seal has been spotted "wrestling" a large eel for its lunch. Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal after spotting it with something in the water off Portland Bill, Dorset, on Saturday.
Full casting has been revealed for The Deep Blue Sea at the Theatre Royal Haymarket. Following a sell-out run at the Ustinov Studio in Bath (where it picked up a glowing report from WhatsOnStage), ...
Jessica Dobson, of the band Deep Sea Diver, was working on her album when she didn't like what she was hearing. "I felt incredibly disconnected from my own instincts and trusting myself ...
including deep-sea manned long-duration stay experiments, safety of large deep-sea pressure-resistant structures, large-scale titanium alloy processing techniques, and deep-water docking systems.