Scientists are confident Mars was once abundant with water, as seen in massive flood-carved channels, ancient river valleys, ...
More than 3 billion years ago, Mars intermittently had liquid water on its surface. After the planet lost much of its atmosphere, however, surface water could no longer persist. The fate of Mars's ...
Seismic readings of the interior of Mars strongly suggest large quantities of water buried 6 to 12 miles underground.
Researchers have found new evidence for a massive subsurface ocean on Mars, highlighting the possibility of microbial life ...
The north pole of Mars is slowly sinking under the weight of an ice cap that only formed within the past few million years. And, in the process, it's telling us something about what the planet's ...
Mars might hold enough subsurface water to cover its surface in a global ocean between 0.62 to 1.24 miles (1 to 2 kilometers) ...
Water once existed in abundance of at the surface of Mars. How much of that water has been stored in the planet's crust is still unclear, according to a new analysis.
A new study published in the journal Geology provides compelling evidence for the existence of liquid water beneath Mars.
"but our model indicates the presence of liquid water on present-day Mars." The InSight lander's Seismic Experiment for the Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument observed seismic waves generated by ...
New research based on an iron and sulphur mixture mirroring the Red Planet’s inner core suggests that Mars’ deep interior could be solid, like Earth.