The story of the red planet, it turns out, may be due for a revision. At one time, experts thought that Mars was covered with fields of rocks with iron trapped inside. Somehow or other, and over a ...
Scientists Make a Big Breakthrough on How Mars Got Its Red Color, Findings Indicate It Had Life-Forming Elements Mars's red ...
The fifth planet from the sun ... making up a world so large that more than 1,300 Earths could fit inside. Its Great Red Spot seems to peer out from the swirling vapors like an enormous eye ...
Nicknamed the 'Red Planet' for its iconic rusty hue, the question is what exactly gives the planet its colour? Scientists have learned from space orbiters and landers that the rust-coloured dust ...
According to findings published on February 24 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Red Planet may have remained a vacation-worthy destination for tens of millions of years ...