Researchers warn that chewing gum releases hundreds of tiny plastic pieces into the mouth, also contributing to environmental ...
A team from the Monell Chemical Senses Center and Rutgers University have published a study in the British Journal of ...
The researchers' analysis revealed that the lion's share of the microplastics were released from the gum in the first two ...
Chewing gum releases hundreds of tiny plastic pieces straight into people's mouths, researchers said on Tuesday, also warning ...
A SINGLE piece of chewing gum releases thousands of toxic microplastics into your mouth to be swallowed, scientists have ...
Slovakia declared an emergency situation on Tuesday, making it easier to enact measures to prevent the spread of cases of foot-and-mouth disease after infections were detected in the southern part of ...
Globally, every age group has some peculiar oral health challenges; studies have shown that nearly all adults and 60-70 per ...
Past studies have shown that the human sweet taste receptor conveys sweet perception in the mouth and may help regulate ...
A baby born in a tent on a rural homestead last July received no medical attention and died before reaching three months old, ...
“Our initial hypothesis was that the synthetic gums would have a lot more microplastics because the base is a type of plastic ...