Voiced by Carol Ann Susi, Mrs. Wolowitz’s presence loomed over Howard’s life as well as the show’s humor throughout the series, especially while one heard her loud, comically shouting from ...
In The Big Bang Theory, the mysterious role of Howard's mom aka Mrs. Wolowitz was played by the late actress Carol Ann Susi. The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom that displays the day-to-day ...
He's a nice horse with tons of talent." In the Holiday Cheer, Howard Wolowitz broke sharp from his inside post position for jockey Emisael Jaramillo and was hustled into good position.
Also on Saturday Gold Square’s Howard Wolowitz, a Grade 1 winner on turf, returns to the all-weather surface in the 29th running of the $250,000 Holiday Cheer Stakes (L). The six-furlong contest ...
American sitcom The Big Bang Theory centers around friends Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki), Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons), Penny Teller (Kaley Cuoco), Howard Wolowitz (Simon Helberg ...