airplanes cruise at thousands of feet above sea level. However, if flying high has such crucial benefits, why don't commercial airliners fly as high as private jets? Additionally, do private jets ...
But what is cruising altitude and how do pilots ... considered an airplane’s altitude sweet spot. Cruising altitude is the ...
Econometrics, experimentation and attribution have been described as the ‘golden trinity’ of measuring effectiveness but ...
On a warm summer morning at Princeton University, aerospace engineer Aimy Wissa was at the university helipad, preparing to fly a remote-controlled plane ... how do you think that you can fly ...
Researchers at NASA Glenn are testing a new thinner, longer airplane wing designed by Boeing as part of an effort to make airplanes more fuel efficient.
The poll was taken after the DC crash, but before a Delta Air Lines plane ... do something or it will. We’ve been seeing the indications,” he says. However, passengers shouldn’t be afraid to ...
Seamus Blackley is best known for creating the Xbox game console. Now he wants to build a chocolate factory. One problem: ...
Chief Shekhar Gupta, Williams talks about her journey to space, Indian roots, and the inspiration she hopes to offer future ...
Understanding and living a lifestyle are two different things. For Robin Tarnas, a now-retired physician and recently a recipient of the local Unsung Hero Award, it is about embracing ...
Not so much. In fact, just two NFL teams have their own planes, while the rest fly commercial. But as we’ll see, NFL teams don’t exactly fly the same way we do (and for good reason). Join us as we ...