Come Loremasters and learn of the early days of the twisted and vile Emperor's Children - once a paragon of the Emperor's ...
If there's one thing Warhammer 40,000 has never been short on, it's fearsome Space Marine chapters. Elite-level, ...
Created by modder yesimWillem, the new Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 mod is a very simple model replacement for the awesome ...
Plus, the Chaos Space Marines get reinforcements for the Thousand Sons, World Eaters, and Death Guard At this year’s ...
Age of Darkness box (AKA Horus Heresy 2nd edition starter set) has been in stores for almost three years now. Still, as the ...
Dutch Warhammer 40,000 fan Bram has painted everything from Space Marines to Imperial Knights to raise money for Ukraine.
The twenty Primarchs are some of the most powerful beings in Warhammer 40,000. Genetic creations of the Emperor himself, they ...
Gerry is joined by the team from Cubicle 7 to take a first look at the plans for the Warhammer: The Horus Heresy Roleplaying ...
The upcoming Warhammer tabletop RPG promises all the drama and action of the Horus Heresy novels - learn more in our ...
Space Marine Chapters have different legacies, combat doctrines, and traits. Explore the main Chapters, from Codex-compliant forces to renegade warbands.
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 3 promises larger battles, leaving fans eager for news on enemy factions. Space Marine 3 could feature diverse enemies like Genestealer Cults, Death Guard, Orks ...