Questions for Study and Discussion: 1) Consider Hobbes' and Locke's conceptions of human nature. What are the key areas of divergence? Are there important areas of convergence? Where in the writings ...
It is a good bet he made use of Locke’s ability to employ a grammar of natural rights grounded in biblical revelation. Unlike Thomas Hobbes, for example, Locke’s “state of nature” was ...
But the men who fought the war were not idiots, and nor was John Locke, who rejected Hobbes’ argument. The men who drafted the United States constitution did not understand, despite their familiarity ...
Like Thomas Hobbes a generation before, Locke had lived in exile for political reasons. Having opinions that challenged the monarchy could be dangerous. His was a time of upheaval. The eldest son of a ...
The Founders weep in their graves. The Founders were scholars of both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Hobbes argued that the state of nature — primitive society — revolved around a war of ...
In the course of reading authors such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Marx, students will study the way Christian conceptions of freedom and dignity of the individual person inform, and in some cases ...