Usually with our friend Lance Roberson of, we talk all about plants. Today, we’re focusing more on where they live ...
Seed-growing season is upon us, and I'm here to diagnose the most common mistakes people make. From not enough water to too ...
Try this crispy tofu stir fry with leek and chili for an easy 20 minute meal that is flavorful and high in plant protein.
During hot days in the 90s you want to make sure they are water daily. There can be lots of benefits to small space gardening ...
Adding some of the best low-maintenance plants for pots to your garden is the secret to elevating your space without it ...
Considered one of the oldest cultivated plants, onions are thought to have originated in Central Asia. Green onions, also ...
Ramps (Allium tricoccum) are traditionally wild plants foraged for their flavorful bulbs and foliage. Nowadays, ramps are ...
sterile seed-starting mix is ideal), a sunny windowsill or grow lights and, of course, seeds. But have you given thought to ...
Dear Helen: Every mid to late February, I seed leeks and onions indoors. They always germinate and grow well, except that the seedlings become tall, lanky and tangled. I have read about keeping them ...
Grow vegetables from scraps with these tips. Reduce waste and enjoy fresh produce by following simple regrowing techniques.
In the garden in March, turn your attention to planting bare-root roses, herbaceous perennials and hedges, just in time for the warmer weather.
You can grow garlic in pots using a Best Buy compost for containers ... Elephant garlic is a misnomer and it tastes more like leeks, to which it is very closely related. It’s a hardneck, matures early ...