Dragon Ball Super is a popular anime sequel that continues the story Toriyama set up in Dragon Ball Z. Goku has been a ...
Gomah saw the unimaginable powers that Goku and his friends held and was afraid they would target the Demon Realm. Under Degesu’s brainwashing, he decided to turn them into children using Earth ...
This leaves Goku to finish the job, and he taps into the power that Neva gave him the episode before, which he later refers to as “Super Saiyan 4.” Using this form, Goku battles Gomah in the ...
So, it’s not all that surprising that I’ve spent most of my life looking at clouds. All clouds form as a result of saturation – that’s when the air contains so much water vapor that it ...
He makes Arinsu the Vice Supreme Demon King and asks her for help to fulfill his goal. Goku and his friends head back to Earth as the Demon World tries to settle in with the change in monarchy.
Chrono Trigger is an icon for many reasons, but the Dragon Ball creator's vision of its time-travel universe has helped it endure for the last 3 decades. Thirty years ago today, Chrono Trigger hit ...
And then a backup of that backup. Cloud storage services shouldn't be your whole strategy here, but they can help with that. Sometimes, you just don't have enough physical space to store all the ...
No, that’s not true either. Here’s a look at when and how you should eat, before, after or even during a workout – and remember, experts say what you eat is more important than when you eat.
Eating when you’re hungry sounds so simple. After decades of dieting, it wasn’t for me. Health and wellness touch each of us differently. This is one person’s story. I’m a chronic dieter ...