World War I was raging off the British Isles when the German submarine UC-18 surfaced to attack easy prey on the chilly morning of9, 1917. Its target, the Lady Olive, was about eight miles off the ...
The crew of the submarine U-1206 were forced to abandon the vessel after its high tech toilet malfunctioned; its wreckage ...
The ship was transporting supplies and soldiers along the coast when it was torpedoed by German U-boat U-861 on the night ... It was carrying 270 souls when it sank, 99 of whom perished.
She then [sank], being holed in four or five places ... Auten argued in his book. German U-boats were forced to fire, lose thousands of shells and waste time rearming back in port.
Two years later, HMS Gossamer was on the Arctic convoy routes protecting ships taking supplies to the Russians against enemy U-boats ... when she was sunk by a bomb during a German air attack.
For some strange reason, I love reading true adventure books, namely books about mountain climbing or deep-sea diving ...
Additionally, 34 Brazilian merchant ships were sunk by German U-boats, killing hundreds of sailors and pushing Brazil further into the conflict. The ship was named after Captain Manoel Antônio Vital ...