The Red Planet and its tiny moon Deimos were recorded at a very near distance as the asteroid-chasing spacecraft completed a flyby on Wednesday.
NASA’s Lucy spacecraft is gearing up for an exciting flyby of the asteroid Donaldjohanson on April 20, 2025. The mission, ...
But the spacecraft will close that distance by April 20, 2025, when it is slated to make a close flyby of Donaldjohanson. During the flyby, Lucy will pass within 596 miles (960 kilometers ...
Near-flyby objects will likely be much rarer, according to Kavelaar. "We will be very lucky if one of those turns out to be close enough that we can direct the spacecraft to it," he said ...
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft conducted the first and only flyby of the Pluto system, culminating at the closest approach of that distant world in July 2015. Sailing onward, the probe carried out ...
Hera is set to reach its asteroid target in 2026, but the space probe got to dust off its science tools for the first time during its Mars flyby on Wednesday. The spacecraft came as close as 3,106 ...