If you're factoring finances when choosing a college to attend, don't forget these financial factors that go beyond tuition.
The Youth-2-Leaders Education Foundation, in collaboration with several community organizations, is making a final push to ...
UAFS launches a scholarship program to cover tuition and fees for eligible students, eliminating financial barriers.
Fort Smith says it’s removing a financial barrier for some prospective students. The university says its Tuition and ...
UAFS launches a tuition guarantee program covering fees for eligible Arkansas students after financial aid is applied. No ...
According to a recent article by the U.S. News and World Report, the annual tuition cost of attending a private college in ...
The sticker price refers to the total published price of a college, including tuition, fees, food and housing.
Edgewood College was one of the private nonprofit colleges that lost money in fiscal year 2023, according to tax documents.