Eggs can be scarce right now, but that doesn’t need to cramp your cooking style. Here are 14 easy ways to whip up a delicious dinner, minus the eggs.
The U.S. will look to import more eggs as it responds to an ongoing outbreak of bird flu that has egg prices surging more than 50% from a year ago. The federal government plans to purchase eggs ...
The Department of Agriculture plans to increase imports of eggs as part of a $1 billion initiative to address a shortage caused by the bird flu outbreak. The avian flu strain H5N1, first ...
Eggs are part of a healthy diet but just like poultry, meat and fish, eggs must be handled and stored correctly or sickness can occur, especially with the ride of Avian Flu. The shell of an egg can ...
By Linda Qiu Reporting from Washington As the price of eggs reaches record highs, the federal government is looking into importing more eggs from other countries and increasing funding for efforts ...
With egg prices sky-high at the moment—and projected to rise even more—your ol’ reliable breakfast scramble may no longer be financially feasible each and every morning. Unless, of course ...
In January, the federal agency had predicted a 20% increase. Egg prices are predicted to increase by 41.1% in 2025, according to a report released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA ...
Laura Saade, 27, hasn’t bought eggs for two weeks. First, they became more expensive. And then, there were none available. The woman of Colombian origin — who shops at the Walmart at 200 Otis Street, ...
Fluctuating egg prices aren’t anything new for Scott Auslander, general manager of Bread Furst, a bakery in Washington, DC. But this time is different, he told CNN. “Our suppliers are telling ...