Here are three myths about the appearance of the planets in the night sky — and how to set your expectations to get the most out of this rare opportunity.
but instead follow an imaginary line known as the ecliptic. The ecliptic traces the path that Earth and the other planets follow as they orbit the sun.
This is due to the ecliptic plane, the path along which the planets orbit the sun. This is a rare opportunity to witness a stunning planetary display. Be sure to head outside on a clear evening ...
March brings two lunar eclipses, the first of which will be fully visible in Tahoe/Truckee. On the astrological side, the ...
Did you miss the last planetary alignment in January? Well, you're in luck. The next one is on Feb. 28 and is viewable from Delaware.
Interestingly, they'll always appear along the same arc in the night sky. That path is called the ecliptic, and it exists because all planets in our solar system orbit around the sun on roughly ...