Dungeons and Dragons players will tell you that one of their favorite parts of playing campaigns are the random monster encounters ... on Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition already and find that ...
You may think that in a game like Dungeons & Dragons, there would be all sorts of terrifying foes and monsters that you could ...
Professor Primula's Portfolio of Palaeontology is a new dinosaur-packed Dungeons and Dragons splashbook designed by real dino ...
Sometimes, bending the official rules with intention can make your Dungeons & Dragons session more fun for everyone.
Dungeons & Dragons rules kept the most important rules of 5e intact, including Concentration, a truly vital tool for ...
Anjali Bhimani talks the process of creating and writing her first published Dungeons and Dragons adventure, The Malady of ...
An interesting 5E supplement is up for crowdfunding from Jeff Stevens Games. Over 30 detailed NPCs are the highlight of the ...
Assorted Notes from the Unearthly Archive,' 'Into the Unknown,' and Cyberpunk backgrounds are all in this week's 5E ...
A new Humble Bundle from Kobold Press, the Heroic Hoard of 5E Power, has more than 40 books to expand your D&D games.
ePHOTOzine brings you a daily round up of all the latest photography news including camera news, exhibitions, events, special offers, industry news, digital photography news, announcements and ...