Diablo 4’s Season 8 reveal and PTR test period has left players disappointed in not only this update, but Seasonal content as ...
The new status symbol: a youthful appearance and lasting longevity. Forget ageing gracefully - tech titans and business moguls are now investing millions in advanced treatments to slow ...
Diablo 4 has another event on the horizon, but with some (permanent) inclusions to the title that may look a little familiar. Yes, the March of the Goblins may run from March 4 to March 11, but these ...
I can't believe I'm about to complain about treasure goblins in Diablo 4. Why would anyone mind them? They are loot on legs: twisted little demons who spew fountains of treasure if you catch them ...
On a more triumphant note, black cats are now seen as a symbol of defiance and perseverance, given their ominous history. Outside of the West, ancient folklore detailing the positive connotations ...
New York has long recognized there are some symbols that “cross the line” from free speech to fomenting hate and harassment — “and the emblems of mass-murdering terrorist organizations ...
Music Box $4.3K You start uncontrollably spinning with this item in-hand, making it difficult to place inside the C.A.R.T. or to walk through doorways. Holding the box for too long lures monsters ...
New goblins added to Diablo 4 will return us to Diablo 3 times, with a brand new mythical addition. I am happy to see more of the best of Diablo 3 coming back, but there is more I'm waiting for.
Blizzard has unleashed Diablo 4 patch notes for Update 2.1.3, introducing Witchcraft Power tweaks, buffs for the Sorcerer class, and long-awaited improvements to Conduit Shrines. Conduit Shrines ...