At this century-old events venue in Pontiac, wedding couples can indulge in a piece of the city’s history as they celebrate their special day.
One Asheville hotel made Time's worldwide list of suggestions for not only its offerings, but the role it played in the ...
For those who appreciate the art of the table, there are displays of fine china that once graced special occasion dinners – Haviland, Limoges, Wedgwood – names that represent the pinnacle of ...
The Rosa Parks Building, which houses the Detroit field office for immigrant enforcement operations, was listed this week among more than 400 "non-core" federal properties that could soon be sold ...
First, does it increase the value of nearby properties? A study that two of us published in 2017 answered this question in the affirmative: Tearing down an abandoned building in Detroit does increase ...
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — If you are looking for some Friday fun, an event at The Stutz building in downtown Indy promises art, music, and more. Easel by Penrod opens its doors at 6 p.m. Friday ...
A study that two of us published in 2017 answered this question in the affirmative: Tearing down an abandoned building in Detroit does increase the value of nearby properties by a small amount ...
First, does it increase the value of nearby properties? A study that two of us published in 2017 answered this question in the affirmative: Tearing down an abandoned building in Detroit does increase ...
He's accused of "stifling" development but Detroit property owner Dennis Kefallinos says he has "no idea" why more 100 buildings that he's connected to in the city are considered public nuisances ...