There are very few machines as complex to build as a turbojet engine. The turbine blades on a commercial ... turbocharger from a diesel engine into a jet. The innovation here is using a lathe ...
Turbo charger Jet Engines have long been considered one of the holy grails of backyard engineering. This is with good reason – they’re hard to build, and even harder to run. Many a turbo has ...
The demo – which resembles a life-size prop from “Back to the Future” – will allow GSTC students to learn how turbine jet engines operate.
S7 Airlines has stopped its $83 million project to build a new factory to make turbine blades in Sant Petersburg ...
Power mechanics students at Jefferson County Joint Vocational School got revved up after constructing a jet engine model in ...
Sean Rader, director of maintenance at King Aero Management, repurposed scrap parts to build a demo turbine jet engine with cutaways for the program. The brightly-colored demo – which resembles ...