The personal dynamics in Absolute Martian Manhunter are also fascinating. John is your typical workaholic, putting his work before his family. The issue begins with him barely surviving an explosion, ...
A brand-new version of the Martian Manhunter is set to debut, thanks to the Absolute Universe, reinventing the iconic DC hero ...
Martian Manhunter strongly diverges from the norm in how John Jones is not simply a secret identity, but a human person with his own past.
DC's latest multiversal initiative kicks off by giving Martian Manhunter the Absolute treatment. Writer Deniz Camp talks ...
What you missed if you read Absolute Martian Manhunter #1 by Denis Camp and Javier Rodriguez digitally (The Biggest Possible ...
Absolute Martian Manhunter #1 by Deniz Camnp and Javier Rodriguez shows the positives of smoking (Spoilers) Martian Manhunter ...