DC's latest multiversal initiative kicks off by giving Martian Manhunter the Absolute treatment. Writer Deniz Camp talks ...
James Gunn's Superman is set to take flight just under fourth months, but we're hearing that the filmmaker still has some ...
DC's new Absolute Universe has been a smash hit with fans, and though it's still in the early stages, there have been some incredible moments so far.
In Absolute Superman, DC completely reimagines the death of Superman’s parents, giving the Man of Steel a new reason to hate ...
At National, they created and distributed Detective and Action Comics - the precursors to DC, which would become ... Moses' ...
This is the story of Superman: one of the most recognizable characters in history is, at its core, the ultimate story of an ...
At National, they created and distributed Detective and Action Comics – the precursors to DC ... his mother floats him down the Nile in a hastily constructed and tarred basket. Kal-El, too ...
At National, they created and distributed Detective and Action Comics – the precursors to DC ... his mother floats him down the Nile in a hastily constructed and tarred basket. Kal-El, too ...
Thus were born the “big two,” Marvel and DC, from humble ... life is saved when his mother floats him down the Nile in a hastily constructed and tarred basket. Kal-El, too, is sent away ...