The Reconfigurable CubeSat Swarm project aims to reduce the complexity and cost of sending large structures into space. The team designed, developed, and tested independent CubeSat units with ...
Description: Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX) is a NSF-funded mission to launch three identical CubeSats into LEO to investigate advanced scientific phenomena ...
NASA has successfully developed and tested Distributed Spacecraft Autonomy (DSA), a groundbreaking technology that enables spacecraft swarms to make independent yet coordinated decisions without ...
The first phase of the Distributed Spacecraft Autonomy (DSA) program was conducted on four Starling cubesats from August ... to set a high-level goal for our swarm and let that swarm sense and ...
The project, known as the Meteroid Impact Detection for Exploration of Asteroids (MIDEA), has an architecture that has become more prominent as of late—a swarm ... as a CubeSat, that weighs ...
This involved four CubeSat satellites operating as a swarm to test autonomous collaboration and operation with minimal human operation. Second, was a ground-based scalability study of a simulated ...
Now it is extremely possible, but still not trivial. A CubeSat is a very small satellite that can hitch a ride with a bigger satellite or get tossed out of a friendly space station. This week’s ...