Crape myrtles are the most popular summer flowering tree in the U.S. Although rarely fatal to the trees, the sticky leaves and black trunks take away the attractive appearance of the trees and ...
How much water a crepe myrtle needs depends on whether it's a newly planted or established plant. Learn how much water crepe ...
Crape murder is happening all over town. It doesn’t matter how horticulturists talk about proper pruning techniques, each year more and more trees are cut back to stubs. Standard crape myrtles have ...
When you close your eyes and think of a Southern summer garden, the first image may be an ancient live oak with low, sweeping branches, but the second image is puffs of sunset sky-colored crepe myrtle ...
And, if you do need to have the tree removed, you’ll find excellent ... Dear Neil: Regarding crape myrtle bark scale – Southeastern Virginia has been battling this pest for years.
In the picture above, it's obvious that something has gone wrong. When you drive past a heavily pruned crepe myrtle tree (occasionally spelled "crape myrtle") your impression might be that someone ...
Aiken Master Gardeners return to the Aiken Farmers Market in April. Bring your horticultural questions to the Master ...
And, if you do need to have the tree removed, you’ll find excellent ... DEAR NEIL: Regarding crape myrtle bark scale — Southeastern Virginia has been battling this pest for years.
Thereafter trees normally obtain needed nutrients from ... these should be cut back to the trunk of crape myrtles. That is it. Simple and easy pruning. By the way, you really don’t need to ...
An Aussie council plans to cut down a row of trees that have kept a street shaded ... of the trees replaced with an Asian variety of crepe myrtle which will have a much smaller canopy cover ...