A future Apple Watch could include cameras for monitoring the world, expanding Apple's AI and Visual Intelligence efforts out from the iPhone and onto the wrist.
Fast-food chains are increasingly adding beverage options and widening the number of items within that segment. Refreshers ...
President Trump and his allies consistently frame his policy agenda around the concept of fairness, which experts say is a ...
A new digital currency, Toco, aims to disrupt the crypto world by tackling the environmental implications of mining.
Star Trek has always been a franchise built on big ideas. It pushed boundaries from the start and it kept raising the bar with every series and film. But not every bold idea made it to the screen.
GM Design is serving up a look at the Chevy Blazer EV.R in its early design phase, providing insight into the all-electric racing concept's development.
Toyota may be slow on the uptake when it comes to all-electric vehicles, but the Japanese automaker could be taking its ...
Described as a “living, breathing tribute” to the late Grateful Dead icon Jerry Garcia, Garcia’s Chicago opened Friday at the ...
The central Dutch city of Utrecht has installed a “fish doorbell” on a river lock that lets viewers of an online livestream ...
The central Dutch city of Utrecht has installed a “fish doorbell” on a river lock that lets viewers of an online livestream ...
In this shifting global landscape, it seems that territory and external control are once again becoming central to ...