Maybe in your case, this is something like a remote desktop server or a program ... If one of these lacks the option to show a menu bar icon in lieu of a dock icon, this can result in your dock ...
The macOS Dock debuted 25 years ... s taskbar and modern desktop interfaces If you’ve ever used a Mac, you can’t have failed to notice the row of app icons that runs along the bottom of ...
A big update to the perennially popular GNOME Shell extension Dash to Panel is rolling out, including new settings to go from ...
If the app was minimized, clicking its Dock icon restores the window to its previous size and location on screen. The Windows counterpart is the Taskbar (see Win Taskbar). Introduced with Mac OS X ...
Browsers are like Macs versus PCs, dogs versus cats, and ketchup versus mustard - everybody has a preference. For the majority of the population, the most popular choice right now is Google Chrome.