Bay Elementary School celebrated its first-place ranking in the Prodigy web-based game for January and February.
Middle school teachers can use a variety of tech and no-tech games to help students build skills in the target language.
PENSACOLA, Fla. -- "Semper fidelis," always faithful. True to the Corps' motto, when a retired marine was faced with a ...
Molchany’s Madness at Nolan Middle School in Bradenton gives 6th graders the chance to compete against their peers in a ...
Alabama is the only state where 4th-grade math scores are higher now than they were in 2019, before the pandemic. This is the ...
The Masons of California, Center for Family Math, Raising a Reader, PowerMyLearning, and Partnership for Los Angeles Schools Collaborate to ...
Renmin University of China celebrated Pi Day on March 14 with a series of math exhibitions and interactive experiences aimed ...
McCarthy said she initially tried applying MTSS within her own classroom ... Students went to different classrooms for reading and math depending on their tier. In the fall, 69% of third ...
My advice to parents is to make practice fun. Math, like everything, requires practice. Swap out practice worksheets for a board game night, a deck of cards, or an online tool like Zearn.
By regularly including theater games in the classroom, teachers give students an opportunity ... Elementary teachers can use these theater games to get kids moving in math class as an engaging way to ...
Present challenging math problems to students as a game or puzzle, rather than a task that will be graded, said Jalisha Jenifer, lead author of a study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology on ...
The key is recognising existing knowledge. Children have math skills from various sources — markets, video games, farm work — but schools treat home knowledge and school knowledge as separate domains.