EAST HARTFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Less than a week apart, two dogs were found dead in East Hartford. According to East Hartford ...
"What we find is that when a child is about two years or further behind in reading, the schools will call us. And it does a ...
Then I realized he wants to be just like his older sister," Mom wrote in the video. Clearly, this baby is picking up hab ...
Not all dogs are natural swimmers. With a little reassurance and some helpful tips, your pup might learn to swim like this ...
Children who interacted with therapy dogs in the emergency department reported significantly lower significantly lower anxiety.
Some kids spend years begging for a dog. When one finally arrives, the joy of adopting a puppy is everything one can hope for ...
These dog breeds are known to get on particularly well with youngsters, making them the perfect choice for owners with kids, ...