These newer models appear more likely to indulge in rule-bending behaviors than previous generations—and there’s no way to ...
Demis Hassabis, a childhood chess prodigy, said his experience with the game afforded him his first brush with AI. He was ...
There’s this meme in which the phrase “TOOL mosh pits” is emblazoned across a photo of men in suits playing chess. Get it?
Some AI will even attempt to cheat their way out of losing in games of chess. This poor sportsmanship is documented in a preprint study from Palisade Research, an organization focused on risk ...
It’s been over 30 years since chess was on our TV screens, and a lot has changed in that time. It’s gone from being a beloved board game to an online phenomenon. It’s also become sexy (thank ...
A chess grandmaster (GM) admitted to cheating last year during a championship tournament. This grandmaster has now been temporarily banned from competing in the game as a result of his actions. Chess.
Yet, paradoxically, the same generation is embracing the cerebral game of chess enthusiastically, leading to  a remarkable ...
Oli Welsh is senior editor, U.K., providing news, analysis, and criticism of film, TV, and games. He has been covering the business & culture of video games for two decades. You can play a demo ...
How it works: Across eight episodes the passionate amateur players (chosen by rankings) go head-to-head in a series of rapid chess games, puzzles and knock-out rounds rather than just ...
Well, later on, you need extra elements like emojis and country names, and if you make it to Rule 16, you need a little chess knowledge. Rule 16 displays a chessboard and a game in progress ...