Dungeon-like rec rooms, with their stingy light and cast-off sofas, are so last century. Behold the rise—literally—of the ...
Whether you rent an apartment, just bought your first home or have been a longtime homeowner, you can probably agree: Some of us live in pretty small spaces. The average size of new rentals is ...
Does your living space feel closed in due to low ceilings? We asked an expert why some homes have low ceilings and how to ...
With chunky proportions and a low back, the chairs of this $650 play set are custom-designed to withstand toddler ...
This DIY school bus conversion comes with amazing features such as a large lounge, five bunk beds, a rock wall, and full-size appliances ...
Christina Ricci has put her Silver Lake home for sale, with the asking price of $4.175 million. The actress, 45, wants to ...
Wauwatosa house overlooking the Menomonee River Parkway, designed by the married architectural team of Lillian & Willis ...
What do you get when you pair a luxury baby brand and a stylish interiors designer? A fabulous collection of accessories to make nurseries the height of fashion ...
Discover how Closet Factory St. Louis creates custom storage solutions that grow with your family. From toy bins to ...
Alanna Murray, interior designer with Murray Craft Builders, based in Larchmont, NY, and serving NYC and Westchester, got ...