The parent company of Edible Arrangements is getting into another kind of edibles — and it has to do with THC-infused hemp ...
Australian researchers have developed a clever way to supercharge the effects of cannabidiol (CBD), a compound used to treat neurological conditions like epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. By creating a ...
Ohio may require certain hemp products to be sold at dispensaries. Breweries and CBD stores worry they'll be left in the ...
The findings — still preliminary — are a warning to consumers of popular CBD products that the flowers and edibles they’re ...
Large amounts of marijuana and other drugs were found in a business selling CBD and other hemp-related products, the Alamance ...
Finding the best CBD gummies for pain and inflammation is made easy with this comprehensive review of leading brands.
Today’s regulatory gaps and health concerns about CBD reflect those of the 19th century, when cannabis was first commercialised by the food industry.