Pulses are the dried edible seeds of legumes and make a great addition to any food garden. They include beans, peas, and ...
Fruit. Although kiwi vines generally need a colder winter than Southern California’s in order to flower and fruit, the Fuzzy ...
From bean to beans. I pruned the bush a bit because it was growing out of control. And the bush itself isn't maybe the nicest looking one :) It would have probably grown to be much nicer looking with ...
Growing vegetables using the square foot gardening method. The following nine crops are some of the best vegetables to grow ...
Block planting. As a space-saving alternative to single, well-spaced rows, some vegetables do very well planted in blocks of ...
Bush beans grow as their name indicates ... when a plant does not form seeds, there is more energy to devote purely to flowering. In such a case, dead-heading or removal of faded flowers which ...
For vegetables that produce over a long season, consider summer squash, kale, tomatoes, chard, carrots and beets. Lettuce and ...
The weather is warming up, flowers are starting to pop out of the ground and outdoor vegetable gardening time is here!
Grow peas in large pots for shoots or in the ground for peas. Choose hardy, early varieties for sowing in March. Make a ...
Master gardener Sally Scalera has the lowdown on everything from what to plant this time of year to where to find farm-fresh ...