To ensure longevity, remove all leaves from the flower stalks when harvested, and hang them upside down in a shady spot for ...
Nevada's desert landscape is filled with life that is hidden to human eyes. But when conditions are just right, typically ...
The West Virginia woodlands burst into color in spring. During that brief period, wildflowers put on a colorful show, ...
Spring will officially arrive on Thur 20. Some pointers to consider as you continue your landscape activities this month include: ...
A sturdy and reliable perennial, catmint’s scent is pleasantly spicy with a hint of mint. It adds aroma to your garden and ...
A dd color and creativity to shady corners of a garden or patio that would otherwise feel lonely and lifeless. We may think these low-light places are dominated by ho-hum bushes a ...
Just because poppies won’t blanket our hills like in previous years, doesn’t mean there won’t be beautiful flowers to admire ...
Fruit. Although kiwi vines generally need a colder winter than Southern California’s in order to flower and fruit, the Fuzzy ...
Summer is not far off, with plenty of warm weather ahead. Plan now so you know what flowers to grow, ones you can cut and bring indoors to enjoy.
Recommended Varieties: Lance-leaf coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) is an easy-to-grow variety that’s native to most of the ...
Learn the best places to shop for seeds ahead of spring and summer gardening, including where to find wildflower seeds, ...
Cherokee rose, or rosa laevigata, is the official Georgia state flower. The flower is native to eastern Asia, though it is ...