These inspiring tips will help you make the most of your small dining room—without sacrificing style or comfort.
A Pennsylvania woman believes the $12 drawing she purchased at an antique store could be an original Pierre-Auguste Renoir ...
Discover Steven Holl's artistic process at the Tchoban Foundation Museum in Berlin. Explore his watercolors and key projects ...
Discover 21 modern decor ideas in black and white for an elegant home. From minimalism to striking contrasts, create a stunning monochrome masterpiece!
Is it really a monster? Or a snake, or a gecko? This home is a living art project designed by the artistic family that lives ...
Matt Blakeslee founded Art House with the "ignorant optimism" that a place like this was possible and Billings could support ...
Take a look inside a Texas lake house designed by Denise McGaha, a Palm Springs retreat from Emily Summers and a California beach bungalow that's the work ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to temporarily halt attacks on energy and infrastructure targets in Ukraine after a ...
One morning in January, I met the musician Lucy Dacus at the Cloisters, the medieval-art museum at the northwestern tip of ...
With a deVOL-designed, modern kitchen and preserved Victorian details, the home from the Netflix smash hit series is a coveted listing ...
Readers said Arthur Shattuck, Dave Koslo, Maury Laws, Red Smith, Phil Zwick and Lynn Kellogg should not be forgotten.
In Business of Home’s series Shop Talk, we chat with owners of home furnishings stores across the country to hear about their hard-won lessons and ...