Fast-moving stars zooming through our galaxy might have been slingshotted from a black hole inside the neighbouring Large ...
Move over Saturn! Scientists have found a ring around an unassuming mini-planet in our Solar System to debunk the theory that only giant planets can be so adorned. The planet, dubbed Haumea ...
The Carnegie Institution for Science and the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center has announced the discovery of dwarf planet 2015, the world with an extremely distant aphelion ...
Using AI to comb through data gathered by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, scientists have conducted a detailed scan of the dwarf planet Ceres to map regions rich in organic molecules to determine whether ...
Dwarf planet Ceres: Building blocks of life delivered from space Date: January 27, 2025 Source: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research Summary: The dwarf planet is a bizarre, cryovolcanic ...
A blue atmosphere, smooth areas, and youthful mountain ranges - this dwarf planet is full of surprises. When NASA's New Horizons probe flew past Pluto in July 2015, the images it returned astonished ...
Hygiea, classified as an asteroid so far, might actually be a dwarf planet. The European Southern Observatory has been able to confirm that Hygiea has a spherical shape. But, Hygiea is missing a ...
The organic material on the dwarf planet Ceres is probably of extra-Ceresian origin: a recent study concludes that asteroids from the outer asteroid belt that crashed into the dwarf planet brought ...
the researchers looked for previously unknown deposits of organic material on dwarf planet Ceres. With its location in the middle of the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the body ...