The Three Sisters - corn, beans and squash- are good companion plants with different, yet compatible needs for light, space, ...
If you’re looking for a way to make your garden more productive and bountiful, succession planting is a great option. This ...
Maybe you already know about the night-blooming cereus, a cactus that usually lives up to its name by blooming only after dark. Often, the plants bloom only once a year.
You can harvest a bountiful crop of vegetables even if your garden is spotty on sunshine. Each of these tasty vegetables will ...
John Paul II Catholic School has started a new Garden Club for students to learn about food production and sustainability.
Generally speaking, companion planting is planting at least two different types of plants together that will benefit at least one of them.
In the sea of nutritional trends—keto, paleo, low-fat— Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College ...
Our bodies need protein in large amounts for functions such as building muscle and bones, forming cartilage, skin and blood, ...
A 26-page seed catalog from the Frank Howard Co. at 132 Fenn St. featured pictures and prices of the most popular garden vegetables, garden tools, fertilizers, insecticides and other hardware ...
Fruit. Although kiwi vines generally need a colder winter than Southern California’s in order to flower and fruit, the Fuzzy ...
The bean native to South Sudan and a handful of other African countries has deep roots, thick leaves and big trunk help it thrive in extreme conditions where other coffees cannot.