PHOTO/ STEPHEN OTAGE The Chinese Embassy in Kampala has launched a training programme to teach Ugandans how to produce charcoal from bamboo, aiming to establish a sustainable bamboo industry in ...
Panama - Cobre Panama adalah tambang tembaga terbuka di Panama. Salah tambang terbesar di dunia itu ditutup pada November 2023. Pemandangan tambang Cobre Panama milik First Quantum Minerals dari ...
Perak BN chairperson Saarani Mohamad said today that even with over 14,000 youth voters, nearly half the number of total electorates in Ayer Kuning, the candidate's age remains a subjective factor ...
Gigi kuning sering disebabkan oleh kebiasaan seperti merokok, minum kopi, atau penggunaan obat kumur asam. Perawatan tepat bisa mengembalikan senyum putih Anda. Mungkin Anda baru saja melihat koleksi ...
BACHOK: The demand for charcoal has surged threefold ahead of Aidilfitri, largely driven by the increased need from satay vendors. Charcoal producer Pazuriatiayu Paudin, 49, said that she and her ...
Pemerintah Indonesia memberikan restu kepada PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) untuk ekspor konsentrat tembaga. Hal ini ditandai dengan terbitnya Peraturan Menteri (Permen) ESDM No 6 Tahun 2025. Menteri ...
There’s nothing like the taste of a burger cooked on a charcoal grill, especially if you’re tailgating or at a picnic. But traveling with a grill can be a hassle unless you have the Weber ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) has announced that it will contest in the upcoming Ayer Kuning by-election. PSM deputy chairman S. Arutchelvan in a statement on Saturday (March 22 ...
Six candidates from the Tapah Umno division have been shortlisted for the party’s supreme council’s consideration to contest the upcoming Ayer Kuning state by-election. Perak Umno chairperson ...
Metode sederhana dan alami untuk mencerahkan gigi kuning dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan dapur yang aman dan terbukti efektif. Masalah gigi kuning yang disebabkan oleh sisa makanan merupakan hal yang ...
So, a pair of cooling sheets may be your next best purchase. One of the best types of breathability is the trusted bamboo bed sheets. While a bit more expensive than your traditional bundle-and ...