Making spacesuits compatible with different spacecraft could protect astronauts during an emergency evacuation.
Earth to astronaut Barbie, we have a new space collectible ... but probably not for all of the reasons Mattel intended.
Inspired by the garments worn by NASA's Mercury 7 astronauts, Barbie famously donned an astronaut suit two years after ... which went up for sale for $55 on the Mattel Creations website at ...
Here’s a look at the International Space Station (ISS), a station operated by a partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries. Information on ISS crews and expeditions can be found here.
The contraband in question was a corned-beef sandwich, and the individual behind the spaceflight stunt was the late, legendary NASA astronaut John Young. How did the space sandwich storm unfold?
Listen to a short summary Read by Stephanie M. Your browser does not support the audio element.Gender equality in STEM ...
NASA's Perseverance rover landed on Mars in 2021 to search for signs of ancient microbial life and to help scientists ...
In space, where there is no atmosphere, the vacuum makes it impossible to breathe without a space suit or spacecraft oxygen systems. In case of emergency, astronauts have emergency oxygen tanks ...