There are all sorts of things flying around the universe that we earthlings haven't yet figured out how to identify.
UFO sightings in 1966 in Michigan led to the "swamp gas" explanation. People continue to report unidentified aerial phenomena as recently as March 25.
CHILLING footage shows the moment China’s new “UFO-style” stealth fighter jet is spotted for the first time since December.
Even before Netflix announced its upcoming Polish show, Project UFO, unidentified flying objects were having a moment. UFO ...
She gives UFO tours for tourists, using Laura’s arcade as home base. Despite making lemonade with these lemons, she still ...
A resident in Dutchess County recently claimed they saw a strange object hovering near their home late one night.
It’s National Alien Abduction Day (yes, that’s a thing) on March 20. With more than two dozen unexplained UFO sightings over ...