Crop Production Extension agent in the Cottonwood District (which includes Barton and Ellis counties) for K-St ...
Although synthetic fertilizers might be a lot cheaper to obtain, chemically-sourced solutions typically don't have as many nutrients to help your garden thrive in the long run. In comparison ...
However, during extended periods of dry weather alfalfa growth is reduced and flowering may occur on short, stunted plants. Cutting during these stressful periods does not weaken alfalfa plants or ...
Alfalfa and hay growers are adjusting to two macro factors ... dairy numbers accelerated even as milk production continued to grow. Production has been shifting to larger but fewer farms.
State hay market summaries for the week ending Mar. 1, as reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Market News Service.
Fall cutting management is an important part of managing alfalfa persistence and maintaining productivity through the life of a stand. When we cut alfalfa, it takes energy to push new shoots and ...
Cows and hay. Industrial-scaleCalifornia agriculture ... Then it’s time to plant something else. Maybe alfalfa.
Frost plants corn in April. That's when they'll dig under the dirt and hope to find moisture two inches down. There's alfalfa hay in these fields. Frost feeds it to his cows, some 700 who produce ...